I write about everything from feminism and parenting, to periodontal disease and professional sports. My work has been published by The Huffington Post, The Believer, PEN America, The Nib, Seattle Weekly, The Establishment, and Bust among others.

In addition to making comics and raising two wild children, I teach art in a Seattle public high school. I’m passionate about making education a more compassionate, equitable, and creative experience for all students and their families.

You can see more of my work on my occasionally-updated Instagram @amycamber. For hot takes about women’s sports, follow me on twitter @amyalethe.

For illustration and picture books, I’m repped by the wonderful Savannah Brooks at KT Literary. See my illustration portfolio here.

Also, I used to be Amy Gerber (long story) so if you are looking for her, look no further. Feel free to contact me at amyalethe@gmail dot com.